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MAC Vendors

MAC Vendors / Pro

MAC Vendors is one of the simplest application has developed. That is directly engaged with IEEE Standards.

The App is designed to convert the MAC Address to its details available in IEEE OUI Library in no time. Scan it or write it down with no separators.

The barcode scanner integrated within the App is very simple to use and very effective for those who are not comfortable with writing characters and numbers at the same time.

…With just a few little Apps on the App Store, we decided to bring a new free effective App for MAC Addresses.

The App in its initial released version “V1.0” was also equipped with a network scan that is very effective on wide range of networks, excluding the huge ones. With a finger tap, you can scan any suspicious network, a WiFi or Hotspot, to get to know the number of devices connected to the network and their IP Addresses, without neglecting their MAC Addresses and Device Names.

With a simple search, you will be viewing the manufacture name, registered address, and assigned MAC Prefix.

Followed by Start HEX, End HEX, MAC Prefix “if you entered a full MAC Address”, and the number of devices within given prefix.

We also integrated Google Maps and Apple Maps, in case you are interested to know the location of the manufacturer on the map. Google is preferred over Apple Maps.

Project info
Utilities, Lifestyle
MAC, IP, Network
Public Release (Free)
Project url
Public Release (Paid)
Project url
And still you can ask for more to add
Testing forced us to use the latest coding best practice for Swift 3 and Java
Clean Coding with Native Language
Photos and images used are created by a professional HD providers
Testing the code under several conditions
We made sure that server side can handle millions of requests with very high speed responses
Contact the developer anytime within the app.
5 Rated and globally trusted Apps.

We took nearly half the development time to test the App in different conditions, including fast and slow internet connections.

App is made with contribution from, thanks goes to Mr. Samy Saad

Our Code is completely Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android. Native Coding made the App clean, reliable and more flexible with future changes.

let me summarize the use of it

The App is made to make life easier for people who are involved in IT industry. Instead of going for IEEE OUI long library, the App will simply search the whole library for you and view all required data, the App is giving you that info. in only one finger click in one page. Even you can just scan the barcode of the MAC Address with our embedded barcode reader. Moreover, an as a security issue, the app is equipped with a network scan to give you the ability to scan any WiFi or Hotspot once you logged in.

  • Company Name
  • Registered Address
  • Number of Devices in MAC Prefix
  • Start HEX
  • End HEX
  • MAC Address Prefix
  • WiFi and Hotspot Scan
  • That gives you the IP Address of connected devices
  • And device name “when available”

MAC Vendors

To be Released in September 2018

MAC Vendors Pro

To be Released in September 2018
Skills used
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